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Trouble with cec488-at

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29.04.2008, 01:03
Beitrag #1

Naked_Chef Offline

Beiträge: 2
Registriert seit: Oct 2007


Trouble with cec488-at
I intend to use an old CEC488-AT ISA GPIB controller card to communicate to a Agilent E1406A VXIbus controller with LabVIEW. I installed the CEC488-AT driver V7.0 aviable from the Keithley website including the LabVIEW support files.

Though I installed a bunch of LabVIEW Drivers such as all the NI-VISA, IVI-Compliance package and the Agilent I/O-Libraries etc. I was not able to send any commands to my VXI-Controller on GPIB address 9 with any of the mentioned tools. I also cannot open the vxi-configuration manager because the gbib-controller doesnt seem to be recognized. though its displayed in MAX as Miscellanious Devices.

The DOS program test488.exe provided by the Keithley driver package said the CEC488 was recognized succesfully. Using the programm trtest.exe in order to communicate to my vxi-device failed. The device status returned was "8" (timeout).

what can i do to make my system running?
Thank u for any helpful advice.

Reto Keller
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29.04.2008, 15:12
Beitrag #2

jg Offline

Beiträge: 15.864
Registriert seit: Jun 2005

20xx / 8.x

Trouble with cec488-at
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